People encourage others to come here for honesty and to get the truth about jw's but the majority of posts are like this one . Speculative, slanderous, just random hate filled accusations ... without need for proof. Facts seem to be unimportant in peoples posts and everyone has the power to read minds and hearts apparently. I love all the he said she said garbage.
Was the original poster even there at the accident? What if anything at all was the original posters involvement in the crash?
Your friend told you right? We all know how that goes one person says one thing then its morphs into a new story completely different.
I wish people would just tell the truth and let it stand on its own merit without adding a bunch of accusations of which people have no proof. Innocent until proven guilty right?
Who here wouldnt lose sleep and be a total wreck after killing someones child ???? I bet thats exactly her situation right now.. I bet shes heart broken. I bet shes like every other normal person in this world.